var View =, mediaTrash =, l10n =, $ = jQuery, AttachmentsBrowser; /** * * * @memberOf * * @class * @augments * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View * * @param {object} [options] The options hash passed to the view. * @param {boolean|string} [options.filters=false] Which filters to show in the browser's toolbar. * Accepts 'uploaded' and 'all'. * @param {boolean} [] Whether to show the search interface in the * browser's toolbar. * @param {boolean} [] Whether to show the date filter in the * browser's toolbar. * @param {boolean} [options.display=false] Whether to show the attachments display settings * view in the sidebar. * @param {boolean|string} [options.sidebar=true] Whether to create a sidebar for the browser. * Accepts true, false, and 'errors'. */ AttachmentsBrowser = View.extend(/** @lends */{ tagName: 'div', className: 'attachments-browser', initialize: function() { _.defaults( this.options, { filters: false, search: true, date: true, display: false, sidebar: true, AttachmentView: }); this.controller.on( 'toggle:upload:attachment', this.toggleUploader, this ); this.controller.on( 'edit:selection', this.editSelection ); // In the Media Library, the sidebar is used to display errors before the attachments grid. if ( this.options.sidebar && 'errors' === this.options.sidebar ) { this.createSidebar(); } /* * In the grid mode (the Media Library), place the Inline Uploader before * other sections so that the visual order and the DOM order match. This way, * the Inline Uploader in the Media Library is right after the "Add New" * button, see ticket #37188. */ if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ) { this.createUploader(); /* * Create a multi-purpose toolbar. Used as main toolbar in the Media Library * and also for other things, for example the "Drag and drop to reorder" and * "Suggested dimensions" info in the media modal. */ this.createToolbar(); } else { this.createToolbar(); this.createUploader(); } // Add a heading before the attachments list. this.createAttachmentsHeading(); // Create the list of attachments. this.createAttachments(); // For accessibility reasons, place the normal sidebar after the attachments, see ticket #36909. if ( this.options.sidebar && 'errors' !== this.options.sidebar ) { this.createSidebar(); } this.updateContent(); if ( ! this.options.sidebar || 'errors' === this.options.sidebar ) { this.$el.addClass( 'hide-sidebar' ); if ( 'errors' === this.options.sidebar ) { this.$el.addClass( 'sidebar-for-errors' ); } } this.collection.on( 'add remove reset', this.updateContent, this ); // The non-cached or cached attachments query has completed. this.collection.on( 'attachments:received', this.announceSearchResults, this ); }, /** * Updates the `wp.a11y.speak()` ARIA live region with a message to communicate * the number of search results to screen reader users. This function is * debounced because the collection updates multiple times. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @return {void} */ announceSearchResults: _.debounce( function() { var count; if ( this.collection.mirroring.args.s ) { count = this.collection.length; if ( 0 === count ) { wp.a11y.speak( l10n.noMediaTryNewSearch ); return; } if ( this.collection.hasMore() ) { wp.a11y.speak( l10n.mediaFoundHasMoreResults.replace( '%d', count ) ); return; } wp.a11y.speak( l10n.mediaFound.replace( '%d', count ) ); } }, 200 ), editSelection: function( modal ) { // When editing a selection, move focus to the "Return to library" button. modal.$( '.media-button-backToLibrary' ).focus(); }, /** * @return {} Returns itself to allow chaining. */ dispose: function() { null, null, this ); View.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments ); return this; }, createToolbar: function() { var LibraryViewSwitcher, Filters, toolbarOptions, showFilterByType = -1 !== $.inArray( this.options.filters, [ 'uploaded', 'all' ] ); toolbarOptions = { controller: this.controller }; if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ) { toolbarOptions.className = 'media-toolbar wp-filter'; } /** * @member {} */ this.toolbar = new toolbarOptions ); this.views.add( this.toolbar ); this.toolbar.set( 'spinner', new{ priority: -20 }) ); if ( showFilterByType || ) { /* * Create a h2 heading before the select elements that filter attachments. * This heading is visible in the modal and visually hidden in the grid. */ this.toolbar.set( 'filters-heading', new { priority: -100, text: l10n.filterAttachments, level: 'h2', className: 'media-attachments-filter-heading' }).render() ); } if ( showFilterByType ) { // "Filters" is a <select>, a visually hidden label element needs to be rendered before. this.toolbar.set( 'filtersLabel', new{ value: l10n.filterByType, attributes: { 'for': 'media-attachment-filters' }, priority: -80 }).render() ); if ( 'uploaded' === this.options.filters ) { this.toolbar.set( 'filters', new{ controller: this.controller, model: this.collection.props, priority: -80 }).render() ); } else { Filters = new{ controller: this.controller, model: this.collection.props, priority: -80 }); this.toolbar.set( 'filters', Filters.render() ); } } /* * Feels odd to bring the global media library switcher into the Attachment browser view. * Is this a use case for doAction( 'add:toolbar-items:attachments-browser', this.toolbar ); * which the controller can tap into and add this view? */ if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ) { LibraryViewSwitcher = View.extend({ className: 'view-switch media-grid-view-switch', template: wp.template( 'media-library-view-switcher') }); this.toolbar.set( 'libraryViewSwitcher', new LibraryViewSwitcher({ controller: this.controller, priority: -90 }).render() ); // DateFilter is a <select>, a visually hidden label element needs to be rendered before. this.toolbar.set( 'dateFilterLabel', new{ value: l10n.filterByDate, attributes: { 'for': 'media-attachment-date-filters' }, priority: -75 }).render() ); this.toolbar.set( 'dateFilter', new{ controller: this.controller, model: this.collection.props, priority: -75 }).render() ); // BulkSelection is a <div> with subviews, including screen reader text. this.toolbar.set( 'selectModeToggleButton', new{ text: l10n.bulkSelect, controller: this.controller, priority: -70 }).render() ); this.toolbar.set( 'deleteSelectedButton', new{ filters: Filters, style: 'primary', disabled: true, text: mediaTrash ? l10n.trashSelected : l10n.deletePermanently, controller: this.controller, priority: -80, click: function() { var changed = [], removed = [], selection = this.controller.state().get( 'selection' ), library = this.controller.state().get( 'library' ); if ( ! selection.length ) { return; } if ( ! mediaTrash && ! window.confirm( l10n.warnBulkDelete ) ) { return; } if ( mediaTrash && 'trash' !== 0 ).get( 'status' ) && ! window.confirm( l10n.warnBulkTrash ) ) { return; } selection.each( function( model ) { if ( ! model.get( 'nonces' )['delete'] ) { removed.push( model ); return; } if ( mediaTrash && 'trash' === model.get( 'status' ) ) { model.set( 'status', 'inherit' ); changed.push( ); removed.push( model ); } else if ( mediaTrash ) { model.set( 'status', 'trash' ); changed.push( ); removed.push( model ); } else { model.destroy({wait: true}); } } ); if ( changed.length ) { selection.remove( removed ); $.when.apply( null, changed ).then( _.bind( function() { library._requery( true ); this.controller.trigger( 'selection:action:done' ); }, this ) ); } else { this.controller.trigger( 'selection:action:done' ); } } }).render() ); if ( mediaTrash ) { this.toolbar.set( 'deleteSelectedPermanentlyButton', new{ filters: Filters, style: 'link button-link-delete', disabled: true, text: l10n.deletePermanently, controller: this.controller, priority: -55, click: function() { var removed = [], destroy = [], selection = this.controller.state().get( 'selection' ); if ( ! selection.length || ! window.confirm( l10n.warnBulkDelete ) ) { return; } selection.each( function( model ) { if ( ! model.get( 'nonces' )['delete'] ) { removed.push( model ); return; } destroy.push( model ); } ); if ( removed.length ) { selection.remove( removed ); } if ( destroy.length ) { $.when.apply( null, function (item) { return item.destroy(); } ) ).then( _.bind( function() { this.controller.trigger( 'selection:action:done' ); }, this ) ); } } }).render() ); } } else if ( ) { // DateFilter is a <select>, a visually hidden label element needs to be rendered before. this.toolbar.set( 'dateFilterLabel', new{ value: l10n.filterByDate, attributes: { 'for': 'media-attachment-date-filters' }, priority: -75 }).render() ); this.toolbar.set( 'dateFilter', new{ controller: this.controller, model: this.collection.props, priority: -75 }).render() ); } if ( ) { // Search is an input, a visually hidden label element needs to be rendered before. this.toolbar.set( 'searchLabel', new{ value: l10n.searchLabel, className: 'media-search-input-label', attributes: { 'for': 'media-search-input' }, priority: 60 }).render() ); this.toolbar.set( 'search', new{ controller: this.controller, model: this.collection.props, priority: 60 }).render() ); } if ( this.options.dragInfo ) { this.toolbar.set( 'dragInfo', new View({ el: $( '<div class="instructions">' + l10n.dragInfo + '</div>' )[0], priority: -40 }) ); } if ( this.options.suggestedWidth && this.options.suggestedHeight ) { this.toolbar.set( 'suggestedDimensions', new View({ el: $( '<div class="instructions">' + l10n.suggestedDimensions.replace( '%1$s', this.options.suggestedWidth ).replace( '%2$s', this.options.suggestedHeight ) + '</div>' )[0], priority: -40 }) ); } }, updateContent: function() { var view = this, noItemsView; if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ) { noItemsView = view.attachmentsNoResults; } else { noItemsView = view.uploader; } if ( ! this.collection.length ) { this.toolbar.get( 'spinner' ).show(); this.dfd = this.collection.more().done( function() { if ( ! view.collection.length ) { noItemsView.$el.removeClass( 'hidden' ); } else { noItemsView.$el.addClass( 'hidden' ); } view.toolbar.get( 'spinner' ).hide(); } ); } else { noItemsView.$el.addClass( 'hidden' ); view.toolbar.get( 'spinner' ).hide(); } }, createUploader: function() { this.uploader = new{ controller: this.controller, status: false, message: this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ? '' : l10n.noItemsFound, canClose: this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) }); this.uploader.$el.addClass( 'hidden' ); this.views.add( this.uploader ); }, toggleUploader: function() { if ( this.uploader.$el.hasClass( 'hidden' ) ) {; } else { this.uploader.hide(); } }, createAttachments: function() { this.attachments = new{ controller: this.controller, collection: this.collection, selection: this.options.selection, model: this.model, sortable: this.options.sortable, scrollElement: this.options.scrollElement, idealColumnWidth: this.options.idealColumnWidth, // The single `Attachment` view to be used in the `Attachments` view. AttachmentView: this.options.AttachmentView }); // Add keydown listener to the instance of the Attachments view. this.controller.on( 'attachment:keydown:arrow', _.bind( this.attachments.arrowEvent, this.attachments ) ); this.controller.on( 'attachment:details:shift-tab', _.bind( this.attachments.restoreFocus, this.attachments ) ); this.views.add( this.attachments ); if ( this.controller.isModeActive( 'grid' ) ) { this.attachmentsNoResults = new View({ controller: this.controller, tagName: 'p' }); this.attachmentsNoResults.$el.addClass( 'hidden no-media' ); this.attachmentsNoResults.$el.html( l10n.noMedia ); this.views.add( this.attachmentsNoResults ); } }, createAttachmentsHeading: function() { this.attachmentsHeading = new { text: l10n.attachmentsList, level: 'h2', className: 'media-views-heading screen-reader-text' } ); this.views.add( this.attachmentsHeading ); }, createSidebar: function() { var options = this.options, selection = options.selection, sidebar = this.sidebar = new{ controller: this.controller }); this.views.add( sidebar ); if ( this.controller.uploader ) { sidebar.set( 'uploads', new{ controller: this.controller, priority: 40 }) ); } selection.on( 'selection:single', this.createSingle, this ); selection.on( 'selection:unsingle', this.disposeSingle, this ); if ( selection.single() ) { this.createSingle(); } }, createSingle: function() { var sidebar = this.sidebar, single = this.options.selection.single(); sidebar.set( 'details', new{ controller: this.controller, model: single, priority: 80 }) ); sidebar.set( 'compat', new{ controller: this.controller, model: single, priority: 120 }) ); if ( this.options.display ) { sidebar.set( 'display', new{ controller: this.controller, model: this.model.display( single ), attachment: single, priority: 160, userSettings: this.model.get('displayUserSettings') }) ); } // Show the sidebar on mobile. if ( === 'insert' ) { sidebar.$el.addClass( 'visible' ); } }, disposeSingle: function() { var sidebar = this.sidebar; sidebar.unset('details'); sidebar.unset('compat'); sidebar.unset('display'); // Hide the sidebar on mobile. sidebar.$el.removeClass( 'visible' ); } }); module.exports = AttachmentsBrowser;