Source: media/controllers/replace-image.js

var Library =,
	l10n =,

 * A state for replacing an image.
 * @memberOf
 * @class
 * @augments
 * @augments
 * @augments Backbone.Model
 * @param {object}                     [attributes]                         The attributes hash passed to the state.
 * @param {string}                     []        Unique identifier.
 * @param {string}                     [attributes.title=Replace Image]     Title for the state. Displays in the media menu and the frame's title region.
 * @param {} [attributes.library]                 The attachments collection to browse.
 *                                                                          If one is not supplied, a collection of all images will be created.
 * @param {boolean}                    [attributes.multiple=false]          Whether multi-select is enabled.
 * @param {string}                     [attributes.content=upload]          Initial mode for the content region.
 *                                                                          Overridden by persistent user setting if 'contentUserSetting' is true.
 * @param {string}                     []            Initial mode for the menu region.
 * @param {string}                     [attributes.router=browse]           Initial mode for the router region.
 * @param {string}                     [attributes.toolbar=replace]         Initial mode for the toolbar region.
 * @param {int}                        [attributes.priority=60]             The priority for the state link in the media menu.
 * @param {boolean}                    [attributes.searchable=true]         Whether the library is searchable.
 * @param {boolean|string}             [attributes.filterable=uploaded]     Whether the library is filterable, and if so what filters should be shown.
 *                                                                          Accepts 'all', 'uploaded', or 'unattached'.
 * @param {boolean}                    [attributes.sortable=true]           Whether the Attachments should be sortable. Depends on the orderby property being set to menuOrder on the attachments collection.
 * @param {boolean}                    [attributes.autoSelect=true]         Whether an uploaded attachment should be automatically added to the selection.
 * @param {boolean}                    [attributes.describe=false]          Whether to offer UI to describe attachments - e.g. captioning images in a gallery.
 * @param {boolean}                    [attributes.contentUserSetting=true] Whether the content region's mode should be set and persisted per user.
 * @param {boolean}                    [attributes.syncSelection=true]      Whether the Attachments selection should be persisted from the last state.
ReplaceImage = Library.extend(/** @lends */{
	defaults: _.defaults({
		id:            'replace-image',
		title:         l10n.replaceImageTitle,
		multiple:      false,
		filterable:    'uploaded',
		toolbar:       'replace',
		menu:          false,
		priority:      60,
		syncSelection: true
	}, Library.prototype.defaults ),

	 * @since 3.9.0
	 * @param options
	initialize: function( options ) {
		var library, comparator;

		this.image = options.image;
		// If we haven't been provided a `library`, create a `Selection`.
		if ( ! this.get('library') ) {
			this.set( 'library',{ type: 'image' }) );

		Library.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );

		library    = this.get('library');
		comparator = library.comparator;

		// Overload the library's comparator to push items that are not in
		// the mirrored query to the front of the aggregate collection.
		library.comparator = function( a, b ) {
			var aInQuery = !! this.mirroring.get( a.cid ),
				bInQuery = !! this.mirroring.get( b.cid );

			if ( ! aInQuery && bInQuery ) {
				return -1;
			} else if ( aInQuery && ! bInQuery ) {
				return 1;
			} else {
				return comparator.apply( this, arguments );

		// Add all items in the selection to the library, so any featured
		// images that are not initially loaded still appear.
		library.observe( this.get('selection') );

	 * @since 3.9.0
	activate: function() {
		Library.prototype.activate.apply( this, arguments );

	 * @since 3.9.0
	updateSelection: function() {
		var selection = this.get('selection'),
			attachment = this.image.attachment;

		selection.reset( attachment ? [ attachment ] : [] );

module.exports = ReplaceImage;